The struggle in your mind is real
Photo by Tranmautritam from Pexels New beginnings are associated with new expectations and new hopes. They often uplift us and give us a promise of positive change. Many of us view the start…
Photo by Tranmautritam from Pexels New beginnings are associated with new expectations and new hopes. They often uplift us and give us a promise of positive change. Many of us view the start…
Image by anncapictures from Pixabay Have you ever experienced a past life regression? Some people find the idea of looking into past lives laughable ("clearly there is no evidence of people living more than…
The world seems to be a very uncertain place sometimes. Modern civilization offers more mobility, more global connection, and more personal and professional choices, but at the same time, people…
What's your first reaction when someone mentions hypnosis - uncertainty? apprehension? Many people have misconceptions about hypnosis and this creates unhelpful fears and concerns. So I’d like to address some hypnosis myths: Myth…