7 Common Hypnosis Myths and Misconceptions(Part2)

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In the first part of this article we explored seven myths and misconceptions about hypnosis, such as whether hypnosis is a dangerous sleep state, in which weak-minded people are controlled and left with negative side-effects. Having set those things straight, here are seven more myths about hypnosis:

1. Hypnosis is a Magical Power

Hypnosis is not a magical power. Hypnotherapy uses a scientific understanding of how human behaviors are shaped and how conscious and subconscious minds are developed to help people change their thinking and behaviors positively. Hypnosis produces a trance that most human beings experience naturally on a daily basis (for example, when waking up or falling asleep).

2. Hypnosis Can Make You Do Silly Things Against Your Will

Many people are afraid of being made to bark like a dog at the whim of a hypnotist. However, as mentioned earlier, hypnosis cannot make a person do anything against their will. Additionally, while asking someone to bark like a dog might be seen as fun for entertainment purposes, in hypnotherapy, hypnosis is used for therapeutic purposes only, and making a client look silly for no particular reason would be highly unprofessional.

3. Hypnosis Can Cure All Problems

While hypnosis is a powerful tool for addressing a variety of issues, it is not a solution to every single problem. There are certain issues that may be best suited for other interventions. However, even in those cases, hypnotherapy can be useful as a secondary healing modality. When combined with other approaches, it can enhance, deepen, amplify, and speed up any progress that the client is making with other interventions.

4. Hypnosis is Expensive

The cost of hypnotherapy varies between practitioners, but regardless of the individual fees, the overall investment of time and money in hypnotherapy is much lower in the long-run than a similar investment in talk therapy.

5. Hypnosis is a Form of Brainwashing

In a proper therapeutic relationship, hypnosis can never be used to indoctrinate a client with inappropriate or irrelevant beliefs. The client always retains control and cannot be persuaded to do anything against his or her will. While hypnotherapy aims to change a person’s thinking and beliefs, the hypnotic suggestions provided by the hypnotherapist are always in alignment with the client’s stated goals. Therefore, any changes created as a result of hypnotherapy are those desired by the client.

6. Hypnosis is Only Effective on Certain People

Every person is hypnotizable, but some individuals may be more receptive to hypnotic suggestions than others since people always retain control over their thinking. Also, some people may respond better to direct commands, while others to implied suggestions. A hypnotherapist may assess the client’s preferred way of accepting suggestions first in order to work with the client in the most effective way.

7.Hypnosis is a Form of Magic

The strangest of all myths is the belief that hypnosis is a form of magic. However, while its results may feel magical, the practice is grounded in the scientific understanding of brain functioning, consciousness, language processing, psychology, etc. Hypnotherapy is a well-established therapeutic practice that has been helping individuals achieve positive results for a very long time.

Understanding the myths and misconceptions surrounding hypnosis is essential to dispelling fears and misunderstandings. It is only by separating fact from fiction that we can begin to appreciate the potential of hypnosis for creating positive change.