Powerful or Power Filled?

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Are you powerful or power-filled?

All of us have to deal with power or its lack throughout our lives. But what is our view of
power? What do we know about it and how do we relate to it? How much power do we think we
possess, and when we give it away, how can we reclaim it?
Power can be defined as the ability to do something or the ability to influence people and
circumstances. In this blog, I want to focus on how we view this ability. I recently heard
someone use two terms – “powerful” and “power-filled” – to identify our relationship with
power, and I loved the distinction. At first glance, the terms may seem synonymous, both
suggesting strength or influence, but they actually convey different meanings and implications.
Understanding these differences can help us develop a stronger connection with our power.

Powerful: Controlling power

When we describe someone or something as “powerful”; we are referring to their ability to exert
influence, control, or force. The term “powerful”; highlights the possession of power, whether it
is physical strength, influence over others, or the capacity to affect significant change. The word
“powerful” often carries a connotation of dominance and effectiveness. It suggests that the
person or entity has a substantial impact on their surroundings and can command attention and
respect. Most importantly, the term “powerful” denotes something that is inherently residing
within, and being controlled by, the person. In other words, when we call people powerful, we
believe they have an internal supply of power belonging to them that they can control as they
If you prefer to stay powerful, you likely hold the fundamental belief that people are separate
from each other and are disconnected from the “greater reality.” You believe that our resources
are finite, i.e. the amount of power is limited, and one should grab it or be left without it. You

probably believe that we operate as independent agents, not depending on others and not owing
to others. You likely trust that success in life depends entirely on you alone and the amount of
influence you can exert, so by putting yourself in a position of power and maintaining control
over it, you gain greater opportunity for success.

Power-filled: Channeling power

When we describe someone or something as “power-filled,” we refer to their ability to be a
conduit of power, identifying someone who is full of power or energy but does not necessarily
exert or use that power over others. It's about the presence of power, and it can describe anything
that is charged or infused with power, be it literal or metaphorical.
If you prefer to stay power-filled, you likely hold the fundamental belief that we are part of the
greater reality, which not only influences us, but also supports us. You are probably open to the
idea that everything is energy, and energy flows freely. You likely acknowledge that power
comes from the alignment with the flow of creative energy, in fact, the greater the alignment, the
greater your ability to take effective action. You may realize that when you attempt to possess or
control power, you instead block its flow, but when you allow yourself to be the channel through
which energy flows, you become filled with power and are able to achieve goals and experiences
you desire. Being “power-filled” conveys a sense of potential. It’s about having power that flows
without limitations, boundaries, or attempts to possess. Being aware of this power and staying in
alignment with it allows us to take effective steps at appropriate times.

Recovering power

The truth of the matter is that most of us do not stay in alignment with creative energy most of
the time, and so we find ourselves losing power and then attempting to recover it. If you see
yourself as powerful, you likely believe that power can only be gained by taking it away from
those that have it because you see power as being in limited supply and residing within
individuals. This may lead to competition, power struggles, and one-upmanship. If you see
yourself as power-filled, regaining power becomes as simple as tapping into the stream of
universal energy. You likely know that there is no limited supply of power and you do not have
to vie for it. Regaining power you have given away becomes almost as easy as a choice because
you realize that no one can hold you power hostage.
How you view reality and approach life is entirely up to you. There is no right or wrong.
However, there may be such a thing as easier and harder. While acting from a position of
personal, self-contained power can in the short-run produce immediate desired results, in the
long-run it becomes more difficult, almost like trying to charge a phone with electricity
generated through your own body instead of through an electric outlet. The effort required will
be intense and on-going. It is no wonder that people who try to hold on to their own power often
find themselves entangled in on-going conflicts and power-struggles. On the other hand, staying
power-filled requires only a clear intension and an ability to relax into the flow of universal

While “powerful” and “power-filled” both relate to the concept of power, they differ significantly
in their implications and the life approach you are likely to take. “Powerful” denotes the active
use of self-contained power, whereas “power-filled” highlights the alignment with universal
creative energy and the potential for effective action when one is necessary. I work with many
people who wish to reclaim their power. Most of the people that come to me wish to be power-
filled, so our work always revolves around understanding one’s relationship to the source of
power and aligning oneself with it. What do you wish to be – powerful or power-filled? Simply
choose and then begin to align yourself with your vision.