As we approach the end of another holiday season and another year, many of us exchange gifts with people who are important to us. Most of the time, the gifts we give are material and practical and perhaps even suitable to this specific season. But the nature of gift-giving goes beyond these material boundaries. In fact, often true gifts are not things we can put in a box. Today, I invite you to think about the boundless gifts we can give each other. Here are five gifts that everyone would welcome:
The gift of attention
Human beings are social creatures. Even those of us who need to spend time alone to recharge still need to feel connected to others. When plants and babies are given loving attention, they strive; when they are ignored, they wither away. This is true, however, throughout our lives. When people around you feel unimportant or forgotten, their life energy goes down. We all need to know that we are important to someone, that what we have to say is given due attention, that someone sees us and hears us. Find a way to give those around you the gift of attention in a way that is meaningful to them. Let them know that you see them, hear them, and value them in the way that they will recognize and appreciate.
The gift of collaboration
Our world is steeped in competition. We are encouraged to outdo and outshine others. We are taught that competition is inevitable given the limited availability of resources (whether material or emotional). However, reality constructs itself around our intentions, and when we allow for the possibility that there can be enough space, enough food, and enough love for everyone, we can focus on uplifting each other instead of beating each other down. Give the gift of collaboration to people you come across. Create connections that strengthen those around you. Whether while working or relaxing, play with others in a way that encourages mutual support and allows human spirit to win in the end.
The gift of tolerance
Tolerance allows for a peaceful co-existence of views and behaviors that may not be your own. We live in the world where opinions and views are extremely polarized, and there is a reason for that. As humanity we are coming to the point of choosing the path forward, and so fence-sitting is no longer an option. However, even at this juncture, we can choose how to show up for others. Choose to be tolerant of those who do not follow your path even if you believe it to be the right one. Allow others the opportunity to choose their paths, make their mistakes, and discover their truths. Whether in your own kitchen or out there in the world, give people the gift of tolerance simply because the alternative is not pretty.
The gift of safety
People can thrive only when they feel safe. Safety allows us to be vulnerable and to reveal our heart. We feel safe when we know that we are accepted and loved even when we are not at our best or when we make mistakes. We feel safe when we are given the space to express our needs and desires without being judged for them. Give people in your life the gift of safety. Be intentional in letting them know that they are safe when it comes to your words and actions. Invite people to open up and give them the space to be themselves. And if possible, create a safe harbor for those who can’t find safety in their own lives.
The gift of peace
Peace is the prerequisite to wellbeing. We can’t live a full life in the midst of strife. Even when our days are filled with challenges, having a peaceful home to return to gives us the space to rest and regenerate. We experience peace when we are not at war the world, with other people, or with ourselves. We experience peace when we don’t feel the need to prove our worth or to earn our place in existence. We experience peace when know that we are loved, accepted, and respected. Let the people in your life know that they are enough. Give them the gift of peace by creating a space in which they can get respite from life’s challenges and find their way back to balance.
During this season of gift-giving, become the person who gives all year long. Choose the gifts that feed the soul, uplift the spirit, and inspire the heart. Whether it is for a loved one within your family or a stranger who crosses your pass, find a way to give others your gifts of attention, collaboration, tolerance, safety, and peace. These, of course, are not the only gifts we can give each other, but they are a good start. And as you gift them to others, watch what blossoms in your life in return.
Happy Holidays, and may you always have the gift of Love!