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What comes to mind when you hear the words “mid-life crisis”? If it makes you think of people having affairs and buying flashy cars, you are not alone. A major change in the middle of one’s life is often seen as a breakdown of order. We are afraid of being afflicted by the “mid-life crisis impediment,” and if we find ourselves craving change, our first impulse is to maintain things the way they are. Many people look at this need for change as something that should be subdued and overcome so the person can return to what was working before.
The truth, however, is that course correction is a very natural part of life. Most people today do not spend their entire lives in one place, one job, or even one relationship. Wherever we are, we strive to go beyond mere survival and look for a greater understanding of ourselves, fulfillment in our work, and satisfaction in our personal lives. And the path that leads there is not always shaped as a straight line. Making a turn on the road of life is just as normal as making a turn when driving a car, and its necessity may become quite evident to those that seek self-improvement, fulfillment, and evolution of consciousness. As we evolve, we re-evaluate our priorities, gain new perspectives, discover new interests, and identify new opportunities for service. Often we realize that a change of direction is needed to allow ourselves to be more authentic in terms of our needs and desires.
A “mid-life crisis” would be more correctly called a “course correction in the midst of life” because it is an adjustment that can happen at any point in our lives. The change in direction may range from a mild one, such as finding a new hobby, to a dramatic one, such as ending a relationship or changing our profession. The depth of the change will depend on how far out of alignment with our current frequency certain things in our lives have fallen.
So how do we know that a course correction is coming? It may begin with a feeling of dissatisfaction. We may start to notice things that are not working in certain areas of our lives or we may lose interest, perhaps, in the things that used to hold our interest. This may then prompt us to search for answers, work on personal development, and seek people and things with whom we are better aligned.
A change in the direction of one’s life can be potentially disruptive, but it should not be feared. In fact, it can be more disruptive if we try to fight against it. When we honor and follow the intuitive feelings for course adjustment, great challenges can be avoided. The Universe (or Creative Source or God) often whispers into our hearts the best direction to take, and if we let go of the resistance and stay true to our inner calling, we are likely to find greater satisfaction, joy, and fulfillment.