Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (or QHHT) is a regression approach developed by Dolores Cannon. It follows the format of a regular past-life regression, but in addition to the review of past lives, it allows for a conversation with the person’s Higher Self, who is asked about the issues specifically relevant to the client. The session helps to identify long-standing soul patterns and release physical and emotional trauma accumulated over lifetimes. A QHHT session can address many aspects of the client’s life at once, such as relationships, career, health, finances, etc., and it usually takes just one session to notice a significant impact. QHHT sessions help clients take the insights gained during the past-life review and integrate them emotionally, mentally, and even physically, with the goal of supporting their current-life journey. The QHHT sessions may also include contact with the
departed loved ones (when appropriate) and a scan of the physical body to identify health
concerns that need attention.