Breakdown or Breakthrough?

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Breakdown or Breakthrough by Dr. Natalie Candela of Awakened Hypnosis.

All of us get sick every once in a while since health challenges have so far been an inevitable part of the
human experience. When our health fails, our bodies suddenly become fragile, and the routines and
plans we’ve made unravel. Physically, we might endure pain and discomfort. Emotionally, we may
grapple with fear, anger, and grief as we confront our limitations. Mentally, we may experience
frustration and overwhelm while managing out symptoms and making adjustments to our daily
responsibilities. Illness is usually not welcomed by anyone, but especially not by people who put a
special effort into self-care. For those who make physical health a priority, even a minor cold can be
viewed as personal failure in the fight against weakness. Of course, most of us view illnesses as a sign of
a breakdown. But what if that wasn’t always the case? What if sometimes a minor illness is an indication
of a breakthrough?
The site of a body ravaged by illness can be likened to a demolition site that clears the space for new
construction. All construction begins with the clearing of space as structures that cease to be livable are
cleared away so that something new can be created. While we may feel sad about the breakdown of an
old structure, we typically understand that it is a step towards something better.
Our bodies, which house us, sometimes need to undergo an upgrade as well. Of course, the demolition
within a body is not done by a construction crane. It is achieved via an illness. Below are three instances
of breakthroughs that can be achieved through a breakdown created by an illness.

Individual emotional clearing

When we hold on to unresolved heavy, negative emotions, they get stored in the tissues of muscles and
organs of our bodies and after a while can begin to create diseases. However, when we work on
processing trauma and heavy emotions, our bodies can release them. An eruption of a short-term
illness, such as a cold, allows the unhealthy emotions to be released much like lifting the lid releases the
steam from a pot of boiling water. This release is critical to our personal long-term mental and physical

Generational/collective emotional clearing

Some individuals have the capacity to serve as release valves for the collective pain and trauma. When
these individuals succumb to a short-term illness, they are in fact processing collective emotions that
need to be released. These may be anger, fear, or any other lower-frequency emotions. Instead of
allowing societies to implode from all the collected and unresolved energy, the individuals channel these
emotions through themselves and dispose of them safely. This is critical for our collective ability to move
forward and evolve.

System upgrade

Sometimes we experience a short-term illness because energetically we are ready to move on to the
next level. It is akin to adding a new level to an existing house. Before new construction can proceed,
partial demolition has to occur to open up the space. When our bodies fall ill, we are breaking down

those parts of us that need to clear the way for the new. We are going through an energetic mini-
I often remind my coaching and hypnotherapy clients that everything is not always as it seems. We
interpret reality through the filter of our current beliefs about the world. However, as our awareness
expands and our beliefs shift, we can begin to see the same events quite differently. When we believe
that physical comfort is good and physical discomfort is bad then we are likely to interpret any short-
term illness as a sign that we have done something wrong and lost control of our health. But if we don’t
shy away from releasing blockages that hold us back, then we may begin to see such illnesses as
stepping stones toward a healthier and more balanced future.
So the next time your body catches a cold, allow yourself to have a positive outlook on a seemingly
negative experience. Consider that you may just be going through a breakthrough that will allow you to
reach the next level in the journey. And revel in this temporary demolition knowing that you are building
something stronger whether for yourself or for the collective.

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